Google My Business Success

When you don't know what's possible

The 3 screenshots are searches for:

  • West Palm Beach Fire Damage Restoration
  • Hartford Fire Damage Restoration, and
  • Meriden Fire Damage Restoration

The same Fire Damage Restoration phrase was searched, but 3 different cities were added.

Worse Result

West Palm Beach Fire Damage Restoration

Better Result

Hartford Fire Damage Restoration

Best Result

Meriden Fire Damage Restoration

Click the images above, and see how each one appeared in the search results

 Imagine someone in your town searching for your-town fire damage restoration, and they see your results dominating like in #3...

The differences between the 3 Google My Business accounts above are: Set up | Citations Posts | Content 


Google My Business Set-up. The right way, right now


These are the ones that no one tells you about


Google My Business Posts. Done for you, the right way


GMB... the ones you can't get, or your money back


Local focused and search engine optimized

Some Do It Yourself Tips

  • Add metadata tags
    to all your images (use them everywhere, especially in Google My Business Posts)
  • Get local citations... you need the ones that everyone tries to sell you, but...
    (these are hyper-local and much more powerful for true local branding)
  • Consistent, Proper  Google My Business Posts - R+R+P
    (the 3 pieces of the GMB puzzle that really work)
  • Verify the right way unless you want to get on the bad side of Google
    (there really is a right way and a wrong way)
  • Good Content - don't be lazy
    (it's about HUMANS and about GOOGLE)

Interested in more details and examples?

Just drop me a note at ThePride @

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Tools & Services That Are Coming Soon


How to do it right and build your local brand


Use it as 1 piece of the puzzle to dominate your local area

Pay Per Click

Use it as a 2nd piece of the puzzle to dominate your local area


How to get your customers to be thrilled to leave you a review